Air Conditioner Not Blowing Cold Air: 8 Possible Reasons and Their Remedies

Possibly, the worst thing on a hot summer day is to switch on your air conditioner and find out it’s not cooling the air in your room. There can be several reasons for the AC-not-cooling problem. Below is a list of reasons and solutions that can help you remedy the situation.

Most Common Reasons Behind AC Not Cooling Are:

1.Improper Installation and Defective parts

If you’ve recently installed a new air conditioning system and it isn’t cooling enough, then there can be only two reasons for it. Your AC has either been installed incorrectly, or the unit installed may be too big or too small for that room.

On the other hand, if your AC is not brand new, then there could be technical reasons behind the AC system not cooling.

Find a reliable HVAC company and have them inspect your system. If your AC has just been installed, it would be a good idea to not go to the HVAC company that installed the AC. A second company might be able to identify faults in the installation.

2.Clogged Air Filter

Clogged air filters may be the leading cause for air not to be coming through the vents. Since air cannot flow through, it doesn’t matter how cold your AC makes the air that does pass through— you’ll never feel cooler!

Start by check your air filters. If they’re indeed dirty, clean them and switch the AC on again. If there’s no improvement, consider replacing the air filters. If you still aren’t achieving the results you want, then contact an HVAC company to perform a duct cleaning.

3.Unmaintained Condenser Unit

It’s easy to overlook the outside condenser. In fact, it is rather common to exclude that part during AC maintenance. But it plays an essential part in the proper functioning of your AC. Since it is outside, weed and grass can easily grow around it and inhibit good airflow.

This one is rather simple as it only requires you to regularly maintain the area around your condenser. For the equipment to work at its best, you only need to keep growth clear of it.

4.Dirty Coils

When condenser coils are dirty and loaded with debris, they do not dissipate heat outside adequately. This will lead to the air conditioner unit working harder to cool the air and eventually, to it not cooling the air enough. For the condenser coils to dissipate heat outside, it has to be clean.

There are several types of coil cleaners on the market nowadays. You can try cleaning them yourselves, or you can contact an HVAC company and have them do it for you.

5.Insufficient Coolant

Coolant, also known as refrigerant, is necessary for the AC to cool the air. It circulates through the evaporator coils and cools the air flowing over it. The cooled air is then sent into the room. Hence, insufficient coolant leads to the AC failing to cool the room.

At this stage, you can only call an HVAC company for coolant top up and refill. A licensed HVAC professional will also have the proper equipment to properly dispose of the used refrigerant.

6.Frozen Air Handler

If you’ve checked your air filter, the condenser unit, the coils, and the coolant, and none of these seem to be the source of the problem, look behind your air filter inside the unit’s evaporator coils. If the Air Conditioner seems to be frozen inside, you know you’ve found the actual issue. Ice blocks air inside your home from meeting the refrigerant of the evaporator coils, hence, preventing the air from being cooled.

The only thing you have to do is to turn off the AC and leave it like that for about 24 hours. This should be enough for it to defrost and dry out. Before you attempt to use it again, check the evaporator coils. If they are dirty, try cleaning them.

7.Faulty Compressor

Another cause for an air conditioning unit not to work is a defective compressor. Considering that the compressor shoulders most of the responsibility when it comes to cooling the air, the cooling cycle will not even start if the compressor (which is a motor) not in a good condition.

Call an HVAC company and have them repair or replace the compressor. For this, you will generally require a qualified person to check it with special test equipment.

8.Faulty Thermostat

A thermostat is essentially a sensor. It simply measures the temperature in the room and tells the compressor whether it should start or stop the cooling cycle. A defective thermostat will not monitor the incoming air temperature nor will it turn the compressor on or off. This will result in the air conditioner to either not start the cooling cycle or continuously cool the air.

You can try changing the batteries and dust it. If that doesn’t work, ensure that the thermostat is not close to a heat source and does not get direct sunlight. If you still don’t see any result, you can try adjusting the anticipator or simply call in a professional to have them check it.