If you’re looking to go into business these days, it’s almost a given that you will need to set up a website. These days, all you need to reach a certain level of success is virtual visitors. So, how do you go about drawing them in?
The problem that most people face isn’t setting up a website or blog; it’s actually driving traffic to that digital destination floating about in cyberspace. If you’re not a seasoned digital wizard, you’ve likely struggled with getting the proverbial word out through a variety of forms of online marketing.
To rise above that noise, you need to understand some basic principles. This isn’t just about implementing the latest secret for driving traffic or hacking your way to the top of Google’s search results pages. This is about implementing tried-and-true methods that the biggest online marketers use to create and drive traffic over time.
There are several ways that you can use to drive traffic to your website and actually churn a profit as long as you understand some of the fundamentals behind just how traffic works. We’re talking about things like SEO, social media marketing, email marketing and so on and so forth.
While traffic itself is great to have, it will be useless if you’re not converting these leads and dropping them into your sales funnel, which can help you to sell your products and services. As you come to understand some of the rules behind what drives consumers to purchase from you, you’ll better absorb some of the methods for driving traffic to your site or blog.
Organic Methods to Driving Traffic To Your Website
Want the lowdown on how you can drive traffic to your website? The following traffic-driving strategies will only cost you your time.
Implement Good Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Today, if you don’t understand SEO, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Discover the nuances about SEO so that you’re engaging in the right type of traffic delivery strategies. You don’t want to bend or break the rules. Plus, by really having an understanding of SEO, you could quite literally supercharge your results.
Create Compelling Content
Content is king. As long as you create compelling content on your site or blog, you’ll keep the visitors coming back for more and more. Also, the better your content is, the more engaged your visitors will be. They will share your content for you, helping to promote your site.
Answer Questions on Forums like Quora
Quora is a great medium for driving traffic to your site. Answer questions on this platform and link the right keywords to anchor content on your site or blog. However, don’t use this platform to spam. Ensure that your answers are detailed and that you know what you’re talking about
Create YouTube Video Tutorials
YouTube is a great resource for driving free organic traffic to your website. Maybe it’s because Google loves YouTube, and considering that it’s the second most popular search engine in the world, gaining exposure on YouTube could be huge. Create useful tutorials and videos that add an immense amount of value and be sure to link to your content through the description.
Get Social On Instagram
Everyone knows that Instagram is a wildly-popular platform for sharing photos and connecting with others from around the world. Yet, few people know how to leverage Instagram to drive traffic to their website. However, many people have built multi-million dollar businesses solely by using Instagram as their main method for driving traffic.
Leverage LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform
LinkedIn’s publishing platform is a great method for marketing the content that’s already on your website. Publish a unique, high-quality post on LinkedIn that delivers an enormous amount of value and ensure that you link that content to anchor content on your blog or website to gain that all-important authority bridge to your primary post.
Utilize Email Marketing
Email marketing is a great way to drive traffic to your site or your blog, and to promote any offers, but it also means that you need a list to market to. Create a lead magnet and build a sales funnel immediately if you haven’t already done so, in order to build up a list that you can eventually market any of your offers to. Just be careful not to spam your mailing list.
Partner For Paid Giveaways
Partnering with companies that have a large footprint is one way to drive interest and visitors to your site. You’ll need to give something away of value here. If you have something you can give away, then locate potential local or regional companies that you can partner with on an initiative.
Engage In Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is a great way to get your message out to millions of people without having your own large audience. You can leverage influencers on Twitter, Instagram and any number of other social networks. Find people who are entrenched in your niche or industry and reach out to them. This won’t be cheap, but it could potentially bring you droves of customers and sales in the near term.
These are just some of the most organic methods for driving traffic towards your website. Of course, there are many more. Consider working with the Deliver By Linkeo platform to learn more advanced techniques that will drive your sales numbers higher than they currently are.